Andi Ali Said Akbar[1]
Although trauma and public skepticism toward the military is still quite strong; though the sins of the military during the New Order freely beragai stripped naked in public space during the reform. In fact, military figures rose even more flying in many national level either party until the local level, both old and new parties. To face the new system of political contestation and the military is benefiting from a weakening factor of the consolidation of civilian political forces. Political parties and civic leaders increasingly anti Orba number berjibun be a dilemma. Elections are approaching need fresh energy to be the winner while they are still haunted by the various limitations of the cadre of crisis, financial crisis and the crisis of political networks. To rise, the former general has a genetic modalities required political parties and civic leaders that organizational discipline, a network of territorial and political violence. Political modalities of military culture is that interest civilian politicians because it can be replicated in consolidating the power of the party, although very risky memangun consolidation of democracy in Indonesia in the future. The choices here are to be assessed for reading the direction of the democratization of Indonesia.
Key Words: Political Parties, Politicians Crisis Civil, Military Politicians Modality, Consolidation of Democracy.
Walau trauma dan skeptisme publik terhadap militer masih cukup kuat; walau dosa-dosa militer pada masa Orba dengan bebas ditelanjangi dalam beragai ruang publik pada masa reformasi sekarang ini. Faktanya, tokoh Militer justru semakin bangkit berkibar di banyak partai baik level nasional hingga level lokal, baik partai lama maupun baru. Untuk menghadapi sistem dan kontestasi politik baru ini maka militer diuntungkan oleh faktor melemahnya konsolidasi kekuatan politik sipil. Partai politik dan tokoh sipil anti Orba jumlahnya kian berjibun berada pada posisi dilematis. Pemilu yang semakin mendekat membutuhkan energi segar untuk menjadi pemenang sementara mereka masih dihantui berbagai keterbatasan yakni krisis kader, krisis keuangan dan krisis jaringan politik. Untuk bangkit, para Mantan Jenderal memiliki modalitas politik yang genetik dibutuhkan partai politik dan tokoh sipil yakni disiplin organisasional, jaringan teritorial dan politik kekerasan. Modalitas politik kultur militer inilah yang menarik minat politisi sipil karena dapat direplikasi dalam mengkonsolidasikan kekuatan partai, walau amat riskan dalam memangun konsolidasi demokrasi Indonesia kedepan. Pilihan-pilihan inilah yang harus dikaji untuk membaca arah demokratisasi Indonesia.
Kata Kunci : Partai Politik, Krisis Politisi Sipil, Modalitas Politisi Militer, Konsolidasi Demokrasi.
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